
This software has been utilized in the following publications

  1. Pelle, J., Reula, O., Carrasco, F., & Bederian, C. (2022). Skylight: a new code for general-relativistic ray-tracing and radiative transfer in arbitrary space–times. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515(1), 1316-1327.

  2. Carrasco, F., Pelle, J., Reula, O., Viganò, D., & Palenzuela, C. (2023). Relativistic force-free models of the thermal X-ray emission in millisecond pulsars observed by NICER. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520(2), 3151-3163.

  3. Neto, M. R., Perez, D., & Pelle, J. (2023). The shadow of charged traversable wormholes. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 32(02), 2250137.

  4. Rosa, J. L., Pelle, J, & Perez, D. (2024). Accretion disks and relativistic line broadening in boson star spacetimes.

  5. Pelle, J., Argüelles, C. R., Vieyro, F. L., Crespi, V., Millauro, C., Mestre, M. F., Reula, O., & Carrasco, F. (2024). Imaging fermionic dark matter cores at the center of galaxies.